Camp Augusta

Junior Counselor

July - August 2021 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

The highlight, I think, of most people who experience Camp Augusta in any capacity is the community. Having experienced Augusta as both a camper and a counselor, I was always amazed by the diversity of people I was exposed to. I have learned so much from the unique life paths of each counselor and have loved keeping in touch with friends and coworkers to see where the Augusta experience has taken them. I also appreciate the emphasis on reflection and personal growth. There is a strong camp philosophy that is deeply imbued in every activity throughout the summer and ensures that all staff are equally committed to making camp an exciting and safe place to be. With regard to the strong community at camp, I was also amazed by the enduring traditions that are so beloved by campers and staff. Whether it be campfire songs or favorite meals or the ever-growing collection of Capture the Flag themes, there is a comfort in the familiarity of a summer at Augusta. There are many things I experienced for the first time at camp and will continue to associate with the special summers I had there forever.

What I wish was different

I would have loved a more fluid way to get involved that did not require the full 4-5 month commitment. I absolutely love spending time at camp and would love to be able to recommend my friends and classmates to work there. Unfortunately, the intensive staff training, though crucial in making the wide variety of activity offerings possible, is very limiting and does not align with many universities' schedules. I also think that might help with burnout that can occur throughout the summer. Like many camps, work can be very mentally and physically taxing. Though it is incredibly gratifying and enjoyable, I have seen counselors become overwhelmed by the fast pace of the schedule.


Dive in completely headfirst. Let yourself be immersed in the process. The joy of this camp comes from a full commitment to the mission and a desire to make Augusta wonderful for everyone involved. There is so much to learn and enjoy, and allowing yourself to build relationships and discover new things about yourself without focusing too much on your worries outside of camp is a freeing experience.
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Camp Counselor

May - August 2022 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

Working as a counselor at Camp Augusta is kind of like blowing apart a potato-shaped piñata with paintball guns as it falls from a 40 foot swing: it's intense, unexpected, and very, very fun . If you're a creative person, or want to be a more creative person, this job puts you around a bunch of other creative people and gives you an arsenal of tools to work with. This job offered me the freedom to come up with a crazy idea at the beginning of the day and then actually execute it a few hours later. Do you want to climb a tree and use bows and arrows? Absolutely. Do you want to be a shower sommelier, going around to every shower and rating them like they were fine wines. We've done it many times before. Do you want to create immersive, theatrical experiences for campers to participate it? Camp will give you all the resources to make that happen. This was certainly the most intense job I have ever had. A counselor is expected to work essentially from 7:00am when they wake up to at least 10:00pm when they go to sleep, with only an hour break in the middle of the day. This intensity was never a surprise, and I felt very well prepared for it (we have the longest staff training in the country). If you're someone who enjoys going to sleep knowing you've had a full day, this might be a good job for you. In the end, it's the community that got me through the summer and allowed me to really enjoy it. You become friends with people SO quickly here. Some of the most rewarding friendships of my life have come out of the two summers I've worked here. As an overnight camp for kids, the job will of course be hectic at times and sometimes overwhelming; however, having an immense support network of friends made it doable. The management of this camp is also unbelievably understanding and approachable. They really listen to what you want to offer and will do what they can to let you do what you're excited about. For instance. I got to incorporate my side-hobby of photography into my role at camp, which I wasn't totally expecting when I was hired. There are so many other aspects of this job that I absolutely loved, things like living outdoors, the amazing food, the many new skills I learned, including incredibly valuable skills of communication. I could talk for hours about the stories and memories I've created while working at Camp Augusta. This is seriously one of the most unique summer camps in America, and if you're the kind of person who loves fostering the creativity of kids, Camp Augusta might end up becoming your second home. -

What I wish was different


Really read through the camp philosophies handbook. Though it may not always seem like it, the content really is quite useful for the summer.
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Camp Augusta Counselor

May - August 2023 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

The better question is what didn't I. I loved living in community and spending all my time around a really lovely selection of people for multiple months. I loved being outside and active everyday. I loved the way the environment and schedule completely removed most of my desire to spend time on my phone and I really didn't use it much for the whole summer. I loved the many creative outlets camp offers from A&C to skits to all the unique ways that camp brings acting into the daily camper experience to being able to design and lead emotionally powerful activities for campers to creating the painted wood gifts that every camper receives at the end of their session. I loved learning camp's philosophical approaches to child development and to life, and then getting the opportunity to practice, implement, and refine them. I loved learning new activities and skills that I would never have thought to try and then being able to do/teach them for the next months. I loved the vision camp has for letting children lead their own experiences, and in its methods and resources around trying to support positive behavioral change without punishment. And obviously, I loved spending a couple months with campers who do anything from the most frustrating, to the strangest, to the most wholesome and wise things you've ever seen.

What I wish was different

Personally, I really don't have anything I wish was different. There were things I was challenged by, like how some kids didn't want to be there whether it was due to homesickness or disinterest and that was frustrating (though it was also a really great learning experience as a future elementary school teacher), and sometimes kids did really upsetting things to each other and sometimes I didn't realize what was happening for quite a while–kids can be mean and they can be really sneaky about it too (this happened in maybe half of my cabins throughout the summer and it was tough, it was also as I said before a really great learning experience and camp does a good job of supporting you and the campers). Most of the things people wanted to be different had to do with the very dense schedule, but personally I loved going all in and enjoying the very tight flow of the schedule. Here were some common challenges that other people had however: staff training is long (about 4 weeks) and there is barely any time off during it, being a counselor is emotionally demanding work (from my perspective this was particularly true for counselors in OAK - the older mostly girls village), and as you are learning how to complete your non-camper facing responsibilities during the beginning of the summer and depending on your skill sets most of your time away from campers will probably be dedicated to these responsibilities except during your 24 hours off.


Make sure you're framing going into this job with the right mindset. There are summer camps with a less intense schedule, that pay more, and have less responsibilities. The benefits of this camp for me were the community, the professional development, and the endless opportunities to push myself as a child care provider and as a human being. What you put into this is what you get out of it, and the more you are prepared to give, the easier and more enjoyable the work becomes.
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CIRCLEr / Junior Counselor

November 2018 - May 2020 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

Inclusive and supportive atmosphere for learning and working with campers! All the mentors and leadership is wonderful to work with and talk to! I learned so much and made so many great connections and am so thankful for my time there.

What I wish was different

I wish COVID would not have messed my plans to come back and work summer 2020!


Absolutely do it. What I learned at Camp Augusta was truly life changing. I feel much more connected to myself, and have become much more responsible, thoughtful, and observant. Moreover, I enjoyed every moment working there, which is all anyone could want from a job!
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Family Camp Staff

May - June 2022 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

Fantastic camp environment and a great place to work. Staff/management are incredibly friendly and accommodating. Flat hierarchy means a strong sense of community and a healthy amount of agency.

What I wish was different

The hours are long and draining, but that's par for the course at any summer camp.


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Camp Counselor

May - August 2019 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

My history with Camp Augusta is lifelong. I have been spending my summers at Augusta for over a decade, as a camper, a CIT, and a staff member. My favorite thing about camp is the people. The staff are some of the most hardworking, supportive, intelligent, creative, and goofy people I have ever met. While working at Augusta I primarily taught ropes activities and was a lifeguard, so when I was not with my cabin of campers I was up on zip-lines, belaying, sitting on the lake dock, or taking trips to the Yuba River. I also love how playful being a camp counselor is. There are many skits and games that provide opportunities for costumes and voices and acting, as well as little moments throughout the day that a costume and a character can always improve. We also infuse some outdoor education into the fun of camp life, teaching practices like "leave no trace" and encouraging children not to create excessive waste whether that be through reducing food waste or repurposing materials for arts and crafts projects. I don't think I can truly capture how meaningful my time at camp is in this handshake review, but if you choose to invest time at Camp Augusta, it will change your life.

What I wish was different

There is an ethos at Augusta to constantly be developing and bettering programming and procedures. Although it is exciting for campers and staff alike to have new activities each year, there were times I felt like the magic was lost in certain areas or we as the staff were spread too thin to fully realize some of the grand ideas.


While working at camp, I struggled with balancing the connections and commitments that were happening outside of the realm of Camp Augusta with my work and relationships at camp. While you are on-site, you may have to put some of your outside life on hold to be fully present. Be prepared for this, and make sure any work or people outside of camp are aware of this as well.
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Camp Counselor

May - September 2021 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

I met some incredible people with all sorts of backgrounds, experiences, and creative ideas in my time at Camp Augusta. I gained long-lasting friendships, expanded my love for the outdoors, and learned so many new skills that I had yet to experience in the past. In particular, I was trained in several ropes and zipline clinics that offered unique challenges and opportunities for growth that I was able to share with the children. It certainly is a one of a kind camp, one that offers both campers and staff the opportunity to disconnect from the so heavily relied on technological world and get back to our roots in nature and endless possibility.

What I wish was different

COVID-19 posed some significant obstacles in the 4 months that I was here. I was very impressed and proud of the precautions the staff took to ensure everyone's safety and health. However, working at camp during a pandemic definitely affected my mental health, which sometimes interfered with my ability to enjoy camp to its fullest. The biggest struggle for me was the time commitment required and while there was support available to us, a large percentage of the staff was new and so we didn't always have the numbers to take the necessary time needed to heal. Given that this was my first year at Augusta, sometimes it was hard to "keep my eye on the prize" when I had no prior experience to compare to.


Make sure you are prepared for BOTH the mental and physical commitment at Camp Augusta!! I feel I was slightly naive coming into the experience and it took some time for me to adjust to the pressures of camp life. Go in with an open mind, ready to take on new challenges and push yourself to find and test your limits- there's so much to learn at Augusta! Camp can be very rewarding if you have the mindset to grow, but it can also be very limiting if you do not understand the commitments presented to you. Of course, it is not always going to be rainbows and sunshine so absolutely make sure that you are comfortable asking for what you need whether that be some alone time, a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on. The returning staff understands the challenges that can be presented to you so they are your best resource if you ever need a moment to just vent or breathe. Ground yourself with connections outside of camp too; finding time to talk to my friends and family definitely gave me the peace of mind I needed to persevere.
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master of fun and games

May - August 2021 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

The community. Not only are the staff extremely welcoming and friendly, but the campers are also sweet and a community in and of themselves. The connections I've made are lifelong friendships, and seeing campers return year after year is super rewarding. I've been going to camp since I was 10 years old, so I have grown up in the community and having a chance to be on the other side making magic for the campers is what I look forward to.

What I wish was different

Sometimes the communication between the office and the rest of the staff is lacking. If one wants something changed there are a lot of conversations throughout the community about the change, so not a lot happens fast.


This is a fast paced, high energy environment. If you are more on the introverted side and can get burnt out easily, this might not be the best fit for you. As an introvert myself, I chose more "behind the scenes" roles at camp augusta which allowed me to reenergize while also spending time being wacky with the campers.
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Junior Counselor

May - August 2019 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

Camp Augusta will always be one of the most special places on Earth to me. I worked with Camp Augusta after attending camp for 10 years growing up! Augusta encourages personal growth in their staff - when you work for Augusta, you aren't just there to be a camp counselor, you're there to foster community, deepen your connection with nature, and learn how to be an effective communicator. The best thing about Augusta is the connections you will form with campers and fellow counselors.

What I wish was different

Working at Augusta can be an intense experience! Go into camp with the knowledge that things will not always be easy - there will be late nights writing parent letters, moments when kids are more interested in joking with each other than listening to your instructions, and times when you might feel like you're under pressure. However, you can't have learning without challenges! Just make sure you come prepared and ready to grow.


If you decide to venture into the Camp Augusta community, come ready to introspect and have fun! Even if you feel like you aren't funny or quirky enough to work with kids (definitely something I worried about with myself), there are always going to be kids who just want to feel heard and understood by an adult. For every one person whose day you can light up with a joke, there's another who may need a quiet word of support. With camp, you get the opportunity to be that supportive person who shows someone what adulthood and life in general can look like!
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Camp Counselor

May - August 2021 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

A truly unique experience of professional and personal development: - Intentional living within a tight-knit community of compassionate and motivated staff. These are words that are often thrown around in professional circles, but find actual visceral meaning in the social context of Augusta. - Opportunities to take on responsibilities and undertake projects unique in scope. Whether it's putting on a 150 person production, developing risk management for a high entropy system, or researching practices for a new set of activities, nothing is out of reach of the engaged staff member. - Comprehensive practical and theoretical training in community building, interpersonal skills, and leadership of children and adults alike. Camp Augusta has an extensive onboarding and staff training process - hundreds of hours - and it uses every single one of them. I found great value in the frameworks and practices offered in this training.

What I wish was different

I wish I had truly understood going in how dramatic of a shift from prototypical American daily life the role entails. This shift is a large part of the value the position offers, but it can also be a shock if unprepared.


Much like a chilled tributary of alpine runoff, this is an environment best encountered head-first and diving. Understand the requirements, expectations, and realities of the position, and then send it all the way.
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Camp Counselor

April 2019 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

Camp Augusta likes to create magic for children -- that means that your time at camp as a staff member is also a magical one! There is a huge investment in personal growth for counselors. With the onboarding, longest staff training in the country, and a point person to support your growth throughout the summer, my experience at Camp Augusta has had far more personal growth than any other camp I've ever worked for (Augusta is my 3rd camp work experience). If you are interested in growing your knowledge of child development and communication psychology in fast-paced hands-on environment where you also get to to dress up in costumes, sing loudly, and let your silliness shine, this is the place for you!

What I wish was different

It is a significant time commitment. The time committed ended up leading to more growth for me, but its something to be aware of.


One of the especially cool things about working for camp is that you can be trained to teach almost any activity area at camp if you want to learn! I learned blacksmithing, Lyra, lampworking, high ropes, breadmaking, and lots more! At other camps you usually need to come in with knowledge in order to teach specialized arts, weaponry, or ropes, but at Augusta you can learn anything you want. Take advantage of it! Try something you never thought you'd try!
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Camp Counselor

May - August 2021 • Nevada City, CA

What I liked

I loved the people. I've worked at a handful of other summer camps for 5 years, and every single one of them depends on a small group of dedicated people to turn ordinary experiences into magical ones for the campers they serve. The people at Augusta are passionate, goofy, responsible, caring, and so much more!

What I wish was different

Covid presented a challenge to look at all of the policies & traditions and make changes in order to ensure the safety of campers and staff during a global pandemic. I wish I had gotten to experience Augusta in a way that felt normal and easy for their returning staff. The magic was still there - but it didn't look like anything it had before the pandemic.


There's a ton of buy-in asked of you before you even get on-site in the form of multiple rounds before being hired and onboarding work with other hired summer staff. That's not normal for most summer camps. That's because this isn't a normal summer camp. The standards are high because they try to accomplish the extraordinary. My advice: read through the website thoroughly. If you like what you find, buy-in! It'll be worth your time.
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